Wednesday, November 11, 2015


                                                               NO SHAVE NOVEMBER

Have you ever known some one who struggles to get out of bed each and every day?  Have you seen someone lose all their hair to chemo therapy?  If so chances are they are battling cancer.

That is why this month here at Filkins Funyard we want to give notice to everyone who is battling cancer. In the month of November many people know about the no shave November.

At Filkins Funyard we would like to let everyone know about our first Mustashy Dash! it is an obstacle course around the entire Filkins Funyard theme park. The event will be held on November 20th come on by and register to find out more.
No Shave November 2015


  1. I really like how simple your blog is, it is not too confusing, the colors are not too obnoxious, and it all goes together really well. I also really like the font for your headings, its very fancy, and sophisticated! Keep up the good flow!

  2. I really like on how you did your blog.

  3. Love the Mustachy Dash idea. Totally clever. If you're going to have a contest, you need more details. Also, several spelling/grammar errors.


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